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Energy transition with intelligent storage solutions from EDF Renewables Deutschland

Inauguration of a battery storage system at family-owned company Tanne Kunststofftechnik GmbH in Lower Bavaria

The manufacturer of plastic parts and supplier to the automotive and electrical industries is continuing to optimise energy usage in its company: the office buildings are already heated with waste heat from production and PV systems generate green electricity on the roofs of the production halls. With the installation of the battery storage system from EDF Renewables, Tanne is now taking a further step towards energy efficiency and thus making its contribution to the energy transition.

The installed battery with 28 battery modules can supply the company with an output of 150 kW for at least one hour. Thanks to efficient energy management, load peaks can be capped in the peak load time windows defined by the grid operator, thereby reducing grid charges - which account for around 20 per cent of electricity costs. Outside the peak load time windows, the storage system can be used for primary control power. Both contribute to relieving and stabilising the electricity grid and thus help to reduce the costs of the energy system.

In view of the increased grid charges for 2024 as a result of the cancellation of financial support from the German government amounting to 5.5 billion euros, battery storage systems are an effective solution for companies to counteract high energy costs.

"Energy efficiency is an omnipresent topic that is not only necessary, but also offers many opportunities that just need to be recognised and exploited. Otherwise, companies will not be able to survive in the long term," says Martin Tanne, Managing Director of Tanne Kunststofftechnik GmbH.

"Battery storage systems are a key element of a successful energy transition. The development in December 2023 regarding the cancellation of subsidies for grid fees also has an extreme impact on the competitiveness of the industry. Reducing energy costs through battery storage thus takes on a whole new urgency," adds Clotaire François, CEO Storage at EDF Renewables Deutschland GmbH, which is responsible for implementing the battery storage solution.

EDF Renewables not only handles the procurement of all components, connection and commissioning, but also offers its cooperation partners a complete package that includes the load and location analysis, including battery dimensioning, all applications and investments as well as regular preventive maintenance and battery control. Tanne thus benefits from a customised package that clearly demonstrates the potential of efficient energy solutions for industry and commerce.

Bayernwerk Netz also relies on storage for flexibility in the electricity system

"I would like to congratulate the project partners Tanne Kunststofftechnik and EDF Renewables on the successful commissioning of the battery storage system. In a renewable and decentralised energy world, the integration of flexible systems plays a decisive role in ensuring an efficient supply," explains Robert Pflügl, Managing Director of Bayernwerk Netz GmbH. Bavaria's largest regional distribution grid operator has already integrated more than 112,000 storage systems into its grid, most of which are installed at household customers. "It is positive to see that more powerful storage systems are now also increasingly being built in industry. This development describes the strong trend towards consumers becoming flexumers who utilise their own flexibility with the help of digital infrastructure and thus actively participate in the energy system. This applies to household customers, but also increasingly to large industrial companies," continues Robert Pflügl. Customers who can better align their electricity consumption with the supply of green energy will be a key component in the energy system of the future.

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